At the end of key stage 1, during year 2, your child will sit SATs in Maths which require arithmetic and reasoning skills. The tests will cover knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to 20, tables (2,3,5,10), writing number sentences involving multiplication, shape, simple fractions, money, units of measure, time and recording data in different ways. This is a large amount of knowledge to master when you consider the relatively short time a child has been attending school.
As a teacher with experience of administering these tests in year 2 Jenny can reassure your child, keep things relaxed and support them to be the best they can be.
During years 3 and 4 (lower key stage 2) children are expected to acquire a good working knowledge of all their tables up to 12 and this can be difficult for many children without lots of practice and re-enforcement. They must also be able to master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division so they can solve calculations in “their heads” and in a written form. It is often at this point in their education that some children can start to fall behind as the Maths curriculum moves on and they do not have the secure “building blocks” in place to keep up. Some tutoring at this point can do wonders for a child’s confidence as together with their tutor they can concentrate on filling in the gaps and work at a pace to suit them.
During Year 5 and Year 6, children are expected to use their knowledge of number bonds and multiplication tables to tackle more complex problems, including larger multiplication and division calculations using much larger numbers. There is also more work on calculations with fractions and decimals. By the end of Year 6, children are expected to be confident with the use of all four standard methods for written calculations and there is more emphasis on fractions, percentages, ratio, proportion and basic algebra.
If the requirements of the year 6 Maths SATs are causing your child concern, as an experienced year 6 teacher Jenny can help your child to learn their tables, consolidate all number operations, improve their problem solving skills and gain confidence in their mathematical ability. This gives your child the best possible start as they transition to secondary school. Jenny has also helped children to “catch up” during year 7 and year 8 if they left primary school below the expected standard.
Does your child complain of being bored in school, are you concerned that your child is underachieving? If so, Jenny can provide lessons to challenge and enrich their learning.
Contact Jenny now for more information |